Monday, July 11, 2011

Infrared Aerial Photography

Infrared aerial photography is a powerful tool that can be used to monitor and track a wide array of phenomena's.  It can be used to document changes in the environment as well as monitor toxic chemical spills and track its outflow. Both infrared film and infrared sensors are sensitive of a certain portion of the spectrum of light and the use of specialized filtration and films increases the amount of data that is able to be collected. Red tones are associated with live vegetation while tan or green shades show areas of dead vegetation. Various shades of green, blue or white can give hints to the composition of the ground area. Clear clean water will appear to be close to black in color. The above photograph is of Discovery Bay which is a neighborhood surrounded by channels of water. It shows what certain areas are comprised of by "reading" the colors produced by the infrared filters/film.

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