Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cadastral Maps: Land plots in Clifton, Virginia

Cadastral maps are used to show how land is divided into real property. These maps can show additional details such as survey district names, section or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references to prior maps, unique identifying numbers for parcels, certificate of title numbers, and positions of existing structures. The map above shows the partitioning of land between land owners in Clifton, Virginia. Within the partitions the owners surname along with its acreage is displayed along with a "lot number".

Thematic Maps: Population Densities of Texas

Thematic maps are designed to display data in a variety of ways. These maps are used to display a particular specific theme within a specific geographic area. The data can be weather forecasts, election results, poverty, soil types, and the spread of a virus. The map above is a dot density map showing concentrated areas of density throughout Texas. The dots are a nonproportional point symbols where one dot equals one-hundred persons. This map shows an accurate depiction of population density since the data is not areal averaged and then displayed.

Topographic map of Hawaii: Elevation

Topographic maps typically show the phsyical characteristics of land in an area and the built changes in the landscape. These types of maps are usualy characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief. This is acomplished from the use of contour lines in modern mapping as well as shading techniques seen in the map above. This map shows a topographic view of Hawaii's "Big Island". The map shows a depiction of the natural terrain and the elvation changes. It does so by providing a color scale of elevations which corelate to the changes of the islands elevation. This map is also showing the properties of a hypsometric map, where three dimensional information is communicated. In this case the third dimension is represented by both reliefs and color shading to show elevation. Their is also a scale to estimate distance and a legend to denote marking on the map itself.